Medicare Mentors
If you haven’t joined our public facebook group “Medicare Mentors”, we encourage you to do so. You’ll get to know us as we share our content, expertly answer questions from agents around the country here and share industry news.
Medicare Center (includes Connecture and Sunfire)
Partnering with us gives you free access to state-of-the-art quoting and enrollment tools formally known as “Connecture” and “Sunfire” for Medicare advantage and prescription drug plans which streamlines the process of obtaining a scope of appointment by text or email and analyzing their plan needs with all the carriers and then enrolling by text or email signatures. This has helped many agents save time by removing redundancy and having their client’s information saved for yearly reviews.
CSG Actuarial
CSG Actuarial is an amazing quoting tool for Medicare Supplements and Nationcare’s access gives you underwriting features for health conditions to help you underwrite with ease. Easily quote final expense, hospital indemnity and dental here as well. You can complete a e- SOA with the prospect without text or email right on your laptop or tablet in their e SOA and stored in the document locker for easy access.
Nationcare uses SuranceBay for almost all our Medicare Supplement, Life Insurance, and Ancillary contracting. Upload your information once and easily apply your signature to contracts without retyping your information each time. Once you complete your profile and select the carrier you wish to contract and submit it, it comes directly to us to review and submit to the carriers. It eliminates incomplete contracts and missing document requests, ensuring your contract gets processed as fast as possible.
To Request Medicare Advantage Contracts please send an email to:
Contracting Link for most carriers (Non Medicare Advantage)

Medicare Heaven
Medicare Heaven, a resource complying commonly used forms like the one needed for Part B SEP or IRMAA Life change event, Charts for Federal and State resources like Extra Help for Part D and Medicare Savings Program, height and weight charts for underwritten medicare supplements, Objection and Appointment setting scripts can all be found here.
Nationcare private facebook group
Once you are part of the Nationcare family, we invite you to our private facebook group where agents can ask questions, events are announced, and Live trainings are hosted.

Nationcare Insurance
Ever wonder how to help someone apply for a carrier when their doctor isn’t in network? We have recorded videos on our Youtube that gives the public this free access to get a taste of our training.
Nationcare Insurance Services YouTube Channel
You’ll find many of our recorded proprietary trainings with the supporting files on our “teachable” portal. Simply sign up and request the coupon code from for Nationcare partner agents to get free access.
Medicare Mentors Teachable Account (training videos)

Xcel Solutions Pre-Licensing Course
Nationcare trusts Xcel to provide top quality education with first time pass rates at an all time high.
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